
We have decided to wind-up our stores. This includes sale on all our brands in this process under wyldhq

Time frame

This is occurring over the next 4 weeks.


Please allow 2-4 weeks as we finalise everything.

New orders

We are not taking on new orders and are cancelling previous ones.

updates will show here

Please come back to this page for updates and changes. All the latest will be advised here.

what this mean?

All outstanding sales will be cancelled and refunded back by the nominated method. Please note this may take between 2-4 weeks as we clean up the back end. We are no longer taking on new orders. We are committing to finalise this as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.


All orders are currently being refunded, depending on how you paid will result on the return of funds.

If you paid by bank transfer - we will be releasing a form in the next weeks to complete for return of funds.

As we clear through the systems, between 2-4 weeks depending on the payment method.

No, we will no longer take on new order payments.

We have stopped taking payment orders on wyldcustom for a while now as a request platform. You can still make a request there.

Please double check the refund hasn’t occurred or lodge a chargeback where needed. Alternative if you paid via direct credit - please wait for the form to be live.


Due to the environment of trade + personal matters. We have been trying to sell these stores for 6 months without success. Sadly we now have decided to stop operations while we do this process.

All our brands are for sale, together or by themselves.

We will transfer all information across to the new owners.


All our brands are for sale under the wyldhq and seeking interested parties for our websites. If we cannot locate suitable buyers to take on our brands.

thank you

Thank you for supporting our brands, before and after the transition. We wish things could be different but factors outside our control has caused this to occur.
